The sales funnel is the path that the consumer takes from the moment of attracting his attention to your offer until the moment of purchase.
In professional interpretations, this is a marketing model that describes the passage of the audience through all stages of the purchase. The ability to properly build a sales funnel, implement it in CRM and analyze the effectiveness of interaction with a client is the key to multiple increases in profits. The concept is equally effective in online and offline trading, with the only difference being that “automatic” sales funnels are more often used online.
Managers often perceive the sales funnel as an element of reporting. They forget that this is a powerful tool to increase profits. Let’s talk about the essence of the marketing model and the 7 steps to using a custom funnel builder.
Sales funnel: the customer’s journey from getting to know a brand to buy
The concept of the “acquisition funnel” was formulated by Elias Lewis over 110 years ago. Surprisingly, its basic provisions are still used today. They successfully combine the famous AIDA trading concept and describe the 4 stages that precede the purchase.
This is where the construction of an effective sales funnel is required, into which the client quickly “falls through” and reaches the “bottom”, that is, performs a targeted action. The result is influenced by methods of product promotion, the correctness of research and segmentation of products, marketing strategy, pricing policy, and a number of other factors.
Sales funnel conversion calculation
The sales funnel should be used not only as a tool for making a profit, but also for analyzing the performance of the site, employees, and the company as a whole. With its help, you can find out at what stages of preparing a client for a purchase a significant part of the target audience is eliminated, and develop operational solutions to reduce the bounce rate. To do this, you need to analyze the concept and monitor the change in conversion.
Sales funnel conversion is an indicator of the effectiveness of the level of a marketing tool, reflecting the ratio of possible actions to actually perfect ones. Expressed as a percentage.
If your business is online, it makes sense to include a sales funnel in a CRM system (Customer Relationship Management or Customer Relationship Management). This will allow you to study the target audience in detail and find out at what stages you get the most bounces. Including a sales funnel in a CRM system will also help identify unnecessary processes in the sales chain and evaluate the overall effectiveness of customer interaction.
Automated sales funnel structure
The marketer emphasizes that marketing is always built on relationships, but suggests excluding people from the sales funnel. If in the classical concept the client reaches the “bottom” of the funnel only with consistent agreement with each previous proposal, then in this case it is possible and necessary to work with failures. If the client is not satisfied with the site, you offer him another one, if you don’t like one ad, you show him the second one, and so on. You can read more by the link:
This path is a sales funnel. To automate it, advertising and marketing tools are used, as well as the technical capabilities of websites and services. All the way from the moment of getting acquainted with the offer to the purchase and becoming a “brand advocate” the client passes consistently. The sequence of steps at the same time forms a funnel, which is a professional environment is divided into 3 components:
- Heating funnel.
- Lead funnel.
- Sales funnel.
To attract the attention of the client, it is recommended to use a free trial product. Usually, it is placed on a special web page – a lead magnet. The product can be a book, a useful article, educational information, a map, some research, a checklist, and the like. A free trial product should partially solve the customer’s problem and make him trust the brand. Information, in this case, gives impetus to further communication.