Home AI TeamSystem acquires 61% majority stake in Italian SME credit mediator Change Capital

TeamSystem acquires 61% majority stake in Italian SME credit mediator Change Capital

TeamSystem acquires 61% majority stake in Italian SME credit mediator Change Capital

TeamSystem Acquires 61% Stake in Change Capital: Key Points

  1. Acquisition Details:
    • TeamSystem, an Italian business software solutions provider, has acquired a 61% majority stake in Change Capital.
    • Change Capital is a Milan-based fintech specializing in AI-backed credit mediation services for SMEs.
  2. Strategic Impact:
    • The acquisition will add over 200 financial solutions to TeamSystem’s offerings.
    • Enhances TeamSystem’s position in credit brokerage services.
    • Expands reach with new medium-to-long-term credit solutions.
  3. Customer Reach:
    • These new capabilities will be available to TeamSystem’s two million customers in Italy and Spain, mainly SMEs and microenterprises.
  4. Statements from Leadership:
    • Federico Leproux, CEO of TeamSystem, states the acquisition strengthens their fintech presence, a key component of their offering.
    • Francesco Brami, CEO and co-founder of Change Capital, emphasizes the renewed support from TeamSystem to grow and respond to increased demand for alternative financing.
  5. Company Background:
    • Change Capital was founded in 2009 with offices in Milan, Brescia, Florence, Arezzo, and Viterbo in Italy.
    • Operates a CC-Suite integrated digital platform offering services like invoice monetization, structured finance, immediate liquidity, purchasing inventory, and financing investments.
    • Uses AI algorithms to predict cash flow requirements.
  6. Financial Performance:
    • Change Capital achieved approximately €5.5 million in turnover last year.
    • Managed almost 1,000 transactions for over 500 clients.

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