HomeBankingHudson Fintech: Partnered with 1066NOW

Hudson Fintech: Partnered with 1066NOW


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Hudson Fintech: Partnered with 1066NOW

  • Hudson FinTech aims to provide unique and innovative solutions that are flexible and scalable in a fast-changing environment
  • Partnered with 1066NOW, an Oracle Partner, to make the Hudson Edge platform available to financial institutions using Oracle’s suite of products
  • Under the strategic partnership, 1066NOW’s Banking Integration Application (BIA) will enable easy and quick adoption
  • The Edge platform resolves the issues faced by financial institutions when seeking flexibility, product enhancements
  • The team at 1066NOW to bring their deep Oracle Middleware and Project Engagement expertise to users of the Edge platform
  • Partnership will enable seamless integration into the Oracle customer base within Financial Markets
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