Home Banking ECB publishes progress update on digital euro preparation phase

ECB publishes progress update on digital euro preparation phase

ECB publishes progress update on digital euro preparation phase

ECB Digital Euro Progress Report: Key Points

  1. Preparation Phase Progress:
    • The ECB’s digital euro preparation phase has been underway since November, with good progress reported by Piero Cipollone, ECB executive board member.
  2. Focus Areas:
    • Privacy:
      • Online transactions will offer higher privacy standards than current digital payment solutions, using pseudonymisation, hashing, and data encryption.
      • Offline transactions will provide a “cash-like level of privacy,” with payment details only visible to the payer and payee.
    • Offline Functionality:
      • Investigation of technical tools for offline transactions is ongoing, focusing on account funding and fraud checks.
    • Possession Caps:
      • Digital euro holdings will not be remunerated and will be subject to holding limits to maintain financial stability and effective monetary policy transmission.
  3. Stakeholder Engagement:
    • The ECB will continue engaging with stakeholders, including the European public, to ensure the successful development of the digital euro.
  4. Technical Development:
    • Identification of providers for the digital euro’s supporting platform and the establishment of a technology rulebook are in progress.
  5. Holding Limits Calibration:
    • A workstream involving central banks and national authorities is identifying factors influencing holding limits.
    • A dialogue and data collection exercise has started, with more engagements planned.
  6. Legislative Framework:
    • Issuance of the digital euro will only proceed once relevant legislation is adopted, which is essential for its functionality.
  7. Future Updates:
    • Detailed information on holding limits will be provided closer to the issuance time.
    • The ECB’s report emphasizes ongoing stakeholder engagement and legislative development for the digital euro.

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